Shliach Thanks the Doctor at Hatzalah Melava Malka

Well over 1000 men and women turned out Motzai Shabbos for Hatzalah of Crown Heights’ annual Melava Malkah, Health Symposium and raffle for a prize of $18,000. A special and emotional highlight was the meeting of Rabbi Nachman Sudak and Dr. Joshua Kerstein who rendered the lifesaving care following his heart attack during the Kinus Hashluchim.

Opening the evening was Hatzalah coordinator Yossi Friedman who began with an appropriate Dvar Torah about the role of doctors and medicine. He then invited Dr. Joshua Kerstein, the associate director of Clinical Cardiology at Maimonides Hospital, who was to speak about heart health.

Before he began his presentation Dr. Kerstein spoke of his treating Rabbi Nachman Sudak, head Shliach to England, after he suffered a heart attack during this year’s Kinus Hashluchim.

Following was Rabbi Kasriel Sudak who spoke on behalf of the Sudak family and thanked to doctor for his work in facilitating the miracules recovery of his father. The two Sudaks then presented Dr. Kerstein with a special plaque, inscribed with the brocho the Rebbe once gave a doctor.

The crowd then heard from Rabbi Heshy Jacob, a Hatzalah volunteer from the Lower East Side, whose ‘unit number’ E.S. 5 was the counterpart of C.H. 5 which belonged to Reb Leibel Bistritsky OBM, the founder of Hatzalah in Crown Heights. R. Jacob spoke of his memories with Reb Leibel and the mesirus nefesh he had in volunteering and establishing this vital organization.

Also speaking that evening was Dr. Eli Rosen, who run a medical practice in Crown Heights and is also a volunteer in Hatzalah.

The evening concluded on a much lighter note with hilarious comedy of Yoely Libovitz. Following his act the raffle was drawn and the winners were announced.

The Melava Malka featured a delicious spread of dairy and parev food catered by Benny Turk of Turk Cateres, a wine bar by Yudi and Mendy Eber of Eberโ€™s Wines and Liquors and a sushi bar by Sushi Spot. Live music and a special performance by Yoni Z rounded off the evening.

The lucky winners of the evenings prizes were Shaina Caplan who won the $18,000, along with the winners of the bicycle and two bottles of rare wine.

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    • What a Wonderful evening!!

      Not only does Hatzola voluntarily service the community at a moments notice, they also provided us with SUCH an outstanding evening!!! From the speeches and the singing and the food and the wonderful comedian- it was AMAZING how they keep on giving! May all the volunteers be blessed with Shalom Bayis, parnassa b’rochava and Gezunt ad mea v’esrim shana!!

  • Thank you isn't enough

    No words to express appreciation for hatzoloh, the amazing team at Maimonides… And the wonderful people at the minyan on Carroll street. May Hashem bless you all with nachas from your families, and together be zoche to be gorem nachas ruach tzum rebn.

  • Baruch HaShem!

    Thank you everyone all over the world for all your tefillos for Rabbi Sudak, the Rebbe’s Shliach.

  • Ch resident

    Boruch Rofeh Cholim! Was concerned about Rabbi Sudak – was hoping he was well. Thank you Hatzalah for your dedicated care!

  • How is Rabbi Sudak related to Rabbi Bogomylsky?

    Can someone fill me in how Rabbis Sudak and Bogomylsky are related? Is it a coincidence that the great people in Lubavitch all seem to be related?

    • Sudak

      Rabbi Sudak has two older sisters, one married to Rabbi D Schochet, and the other to R. Bogomilsky – may they all live and be well.

  • Rabbi B. and Rabbi Sudak

    They are Brother-in-laws.
    Mrs Bogomilsky is Rabbi sudak’s sister.

  • Grateful

    Boruch hashem we have such a great organization . We should never need to call Hatzolah , just knowing that all members are ready if needed 24/7 is comforting. Thank u all members, you truly are amazing

  • To #10

    Close, and, yes rabbi Sudak has two sisters. However, One is older and one younger. BH till 120.

  • Couldn't make it

    Is it possible to post the informative speeches on stress, pain management and the heart on your website?

  • sudaks

    rebbitzen batsheva schochet married to harav dovid schochet shlucha to toronto is harav nachman sudaks older sister, rebbitzen bracha bogomilsky married to harav moshe bogomilsky is rabbi nachman sudaks younger sister. their parents were rabbi pinchas and batya sudak.

  • may HaKB"H bless you all

    as we say every Shabbos .

    Kol Mi Sheoskim Betzorchey Tzibur Bemunah (in this one should also include all Hatzolo members, Shluchim Etc who give from themselves 24/7), HaKB”H Yeshelem Sechorom, Veyosir Mehem kol Machlo (both begashmius AND BeRuchanius) VeYirpeh Lechol Gufom…… veyishlach Brocho bechol masei yedeihem.
    till we merit that the Hatzolo members & Dr`s services become redundant.

    until then we thank you each day for the work you do & we Daven that hashem should give the Shluchim the extra protection they need for the strength it takes of dealing each day with communal matters (that may be something chazal knew, so they added it into our Shabbos davening).