Photos: ULY Pre 1A Students Dance with Their Fathers

Lubavitcher Yeshiva on Crown Street hosted a unique father and son dance in honor of the beginning of the month of Adar. In addition to dancing with live music, kids got to decorate their own cookies as well.

Music was played by Fitche Benshimon; refreshments were donated by Moshy Gutlaizer of Apple Drugs. The event was coordinated by Rabbi Yanky Goldstein, Yossi Langsam and Mrs. Weingarten.


  • Grateful mother and son

    Thank you!
    Thank you to the class mothers that initiated the event.
    Thank you to Rabbi Goldstein who organized the event,
    and thank you to all the parents who participated and the parents that played musical instruments for the boys to enjoy.
    We really appreciate it!!

  • yb

    adorable and simple1
    attention uly parents, the yeshiva is open to way more than it was just a couple of years ago….get involved, help out, it will improve the system and your personal child’s school experience.

  • Father

    Thank you Lubavitcher Yeshiva!

    It was a beautiful event for both the children and the fathers!

  • Proud parent of ULY

    Another greatful parent. My son had an absolute blast with his tatty. Thank u so much to all the people who arranged it. Yasher Koach.

  • YK


    Thanks so much! From an alumni and a proud uncle who is happy to see his nephew and brother, although living Down Under.

  • Class mother

    Goldie, awesome job organizing this event. The kids had an awesome time. Thank you so much for your dedication to the ULY students! You are making a huge difference!

  • Proud Bubby and Zeidy

    Its really special to see young kinderlach dancing with their Tatties in true spirit of Chodesh Adar. In the pictures we see our son’s Rebbe from about 25 years ago dancing with our son’s son, our einikel, Yosef Yitzchok, sheyichye, K”AH! May these devoted Pre 1A Rebbes continue with their wonderful Chassidishe Simcha until the most joyous of all Simchos, Bias Moshiach Tzidkeinu Immediatley Now! We Love You Yosef Yitzchok!