Joyous Celebration as Four New Torahs Completed
Thousands of Shluchim and Anash flocked to Chovevei Torah tonight to celebrate the completion of four Sifrei Torah, donated by Mr. Hilel (Leonardo) Farkas of Santiago, Chile.
Farkas, a mining magnate and multi-millionaire, related movingly how he used to perform in piano bars, subsisting on change dropped in his tip jar. “I am so grateful that I can dedicate Torah scrolls on behalf of all the Jews in the world,” he said.
These four bring the number of Torahs he sponsored this year to 20, and the 21st is already in the making.
The almost complete Sifrei Torah were lined up, as Shluchim and Anash arrived in droves for the opportunity to write a letter in one of them.
While the letters were being written, Chasidic singing star Avraham Fried performed to live music. Outside, about 500 children enjoyed a special kids’ program, where they listened raptly to entertainer Chaim Fogelman.
When the Torahs were all completed, a joyous procession accompanied them down Eastern Parkway to 770, where they were greeted by all the other Torahs from 770’s Aron Kodesh.
Hakafos were held inside 770 with much singing and dancing, accompanied by live music and Avrohom Fried’s sensational voice. A spread of delicious food provided refreshments to all the attendees.
After Hakafos, Mr. Farkas joined several of his fellow Shluchim and the Kinus banquet committee for a lavish Seudas Mitzvah in the Jewish Children’s Museum.
very impressed
i was very impressed both with the well orchestrated event and especially with the talmidim of the yeshiva which made a tremendous impression with their good mannerism chassidisher simcha! may the yeshiva continue to be a source of inspiration!!
it was extremely beautiful
and this guy (the donor) is like the energizer bunny
he was dancing non-stop all over 770
May Hashem bentch him with much continued health, joy, blessing & success, in all that he does, both physically & spiritually-in open & revealed ways.
May he go m’choyil el choyil.
yes! Yes!
The unanswered question at least for next year what do you do to top this? 7 can you even top it a. @ the grand banquet B. next years’ beginning etc???
No words. what a Kiddish Hashem. and to KORN`S TORAH TRUCK. what an amazing and professional job your staff put together. the beautiful decorated magnificent lighted crown on top with decorations on truck. amazing. i see the years of experience. and to my community. the Achdus IN 770 this will bring Moshiach now…!