Photos: Getting Along with the In-Laws

Crown Heights women gathered for an evening titled “Working it OUT with the IN-Laws” hosted by Rabbi Mendel Samuels, Shliach to Simsbury, CT. Laced with witty humor, the crowd was offered practical tips on respectfully avoiding problems with their in-laws.

Following the presentation by Rabbi Samuels, the floor was opened for a question and answer session.

A delicious milchig buffet was sponsored by Pomodori Pizza.

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  • ?

    Never heard about this event and I do live here in CH. Who sponsored it and how was the outreach done? I would have liked to go.

  • Yossel

    Many people advise parents of married children to:

    Keep the pocketbook OPEN and the mouth SHUT. I consider this to be unmitigated and total chutzpa. I shutta da mouth, I shutta da pocketbook too!

    My shver was in Gan Eden when I got married, my shvigger was severly handicapped and wasn’t really involved with us. All you who have in-laws who are healthy and fit (and help you out), consider yourselves lucky that your children have a Bubby and Zaidy who love them!

  • moishie

    #4 – no situation is poshut. especially that of my cousin whose mother-in-law demands to know when her daughter (my cousin’s wife) goes to the mikva, constantly puts him down, and she and her husband constantly contradict their decisions regarding the kids IN FRONT of the kids, thus undermining the parental authority of my cousin and his wife CONSTANTLY!