Holocaust Survivor Speaks at YSP

On Tisha B’av the bochurim of Yeshiva Summer Program in Morristown, NJ heard wrenching testimony of the atrocities of the Holocaust from a survivor, who brought along several artifacts to demonstrate in real-life terms how things were in those dark times.

Photos by Avrohom Perl for yspmorristown.com

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  • WOW

    How important it is for the young generation to hear these stories before all who lived through it are gone.

  • achdus

    about time we realize that they wanted all of us dead,, but we forget to quickly what a shame

  • Incredible!

    Thanks for sharing! Is there a way to hear the whole story? I would love to hear it!

  • moshe

    From an educational point what is being done here is a must, not to forget or forgive,but how do we insure that this is not too traumatic for these young aged boys, and effects them positively?

  • moshe

    The reason I raised this in the previous comment is because as an adult just listening to this survivor and what and how he related, traumatized me to a degree, and I cried……….. and one should shed tears for all what occurred, especially on tisha beav.

    I am not being insensitive at all to what is being done here.

  • to 5

    Any trauma which these kids may experience by merely hearing these stories is not even a fraction of a fraction of the trauma of the guy telling the story

  • Perfect

    This is a great idea for the boys at camp, they see a lot more disturbing things that the internet exposes them to, this will make a real impression on them.

    Does this survivor have a name? Why was he left anonymous,