South Florida Jewish Academy’s Tribute Gala Dinner
On the evening of April 28th 2013 while most people were home recovering from a long day of Lag B’omer celebrations, nearly 300 people joined together for South Florida Jewish Academy’s annual dinner. This Extra-Ordinary “Evening of Tribute” was in recognition of their students that have overcome personal challenges by attaining remarkable achievements.
Mr. Richard Bernstein Esq, an extraordinary attorney who was has been blind from birth and a strong advocate for the rights of the disabled an attorney who has won many landmark settlements for the disabled and special needs communities and one who has been providing a voice for those who would otherwise be forced into silence, highlighted the event.
Honorary chairman Mendy Schurder opened the event by introducing two specially gifted student of SFJA who composed, wrote and played a duet on a grand piano, a moving piece that touched at the soul of each of the attendees. Following, their performance student after student got up to speak each had a store of remarkable achievements. The common theme, each came from a school or situation that caused them to give up hope and each are now able to reach beyond their goals and build on their success and uniqueness.
South Florida Jewish Academy is one of the areas leading private K -12 inclusive schools for special needs. All of these students are embraced with an individually based curriculum that caters to each of their abilities and ensures educational success and personal growth.
“In choosing this year’s Keynote speaker, we found a man that exemplifies the philosophy of our school,” said Baila Gansburg, director of the school. Our program enables all children with the individualized learning, therapy and opportunities to achieve their personal dreams and goals. South Florida Jewish Academy promotes opportunities that provide children a quality education through innovative small group instruction, and a small student teacher ratio to ensure student success.
As the evening progressed, one thing was certain; SFJA gives the children hope, courage and the inner strength to succeed. In return the students each find a way to build on their abilities and become great. As Richard Bernstein Esq. was led to stage, in one hand a walking stick the other hand a guide no one was ready for what was to come; what followed was jaw dropping story full of challenge, a life story that many would just have given up hope but like the students of SFJA, Richard’s story is one of life, energy, pursuit, courage and overcoming a personal challenge by attaining remarkable achievements.
As the evening was nearing an end it was abundantly clear what this humble school which is centrally located in Coconut Creek, Florida, on acres of rolling grass with a large outdoor play area, a multi-sensory room designed with cutting edge technology has achieved; they have paved the way for each of their students to overcome their challenges and be a benefit to their family and communities.
As they continue to grow SFJA is unveiling a brand new high school curriculum which will undoubtedly help their students graduate as well as give them the life skills necessary to succeed independently while working well with others. As we are fond to say, inclusion is not part time at SFJA it is all the time!
In addition, we have multiple naming opportunities and are in contract to expand the school grounds and facilities. Plus, we are reaching out to the community to find a beneficiary who would like to dedicate the school campus. For additional information please visit our website at www.floridajewishacademy.org or you can contact the school office via phone at 954-427-7788 or email at office@floridajewishacademy.org when calling the office please ask for Mayer or Baila.
(Contains Music)
Go Mendy!!!
Mendy, you look great, we are so proud of all the good work you do for Chabad of Florida!
Go Mendy Scurder. Keep on doing your great chesed.