Photos: Commissioner Kelly Honored at 8th JCM Dinner

Police commissioner Raymond Kelly was awarded the Ari Halberstam Memorial Award Wednesday evening at the Jewish Childrens Museum’s 8th annual award dinner.

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  • Chocolate

    Wow that’s a nice affair that CHCOLATE put up for a grand opening they must be doing a booming business they all got chocolate coins for a souvenir.

  • amazing job chaya shusterman!!

    This incredible event could not have been pulled off without you!! The jcm so fortunate yo have you on their team!

  • WHY?

    would they block off the “public” street for a “private” event?
    isn’t that a bit obnoxious?

  • mazal tov liebermans and diaments

    so nice to see you guys
    may you be zoche to always be involved in good things
    much nachas, good health and joy-
    begashmius and beruchnius

    moshiach now

  • shocked!

    a mixed dinner, in crown heights!
    is money everything?
    what would the rebbe say?

  • meir bat ayin

    4 pics of the guy playing the keyboard and a lot of bored looking yidden.another meaningless political gathering honoring different faces ,same people. what happened to chassidim? the crownheights kids pick this up and they’re disgusted. that’s why they’re leaving in droves.

  • parking

    Not sure why this couldn’t have been done INSIDE the museum. They have the room and it’s beautiful. This was nothing but a thoughtless parking/traffic mayhem for the rest of crown heights which lasted the entire day and late into the night.

  • Coed Seating ?

    if Mostly Lubavitchers participated in this party
    why is the seating mixed or coed ?



    No way!!!

    How can an event like this take place and no less in Crown Heights without Chanina Sperlin presents?

    How can an event like this be held without the Crown Heights Jewish Community Councils very own intergovarmentle Chanina Sperlin?

    I feel very riped off and unrepresented :,,,,(

  • liked it

    mixed seating outside 770.

    what do you expect from the organization that brought us the outdoor pritzios cafe.

    these guys went to far. with all the books published with misngdishe endorsements…

    then they resign from the Lag Boimer parade. something which they have been involved with from the beginning. it is obvious that this organization has evolved far away from its original mission, which was to bring all children together.

    this fact is obvious by the drop in numbers of registered children.

    i wont talk about the picture outside the museum.

  • music?

    How could there have been live music in Sefirah? Plenty of Lubavitchers were here and the JCM are chabad based. We do not listen to music in sefirah, even after lag bomer

    • ???

      Probably not, and even if it was, LIVE nigunim are also not aloud.

    • Thank you

      No, there was a grand piano, making it LIVE MUSIC in sefirah

  • Moshe

    I c there was a Big Piano, its still Sfira how could they have som1 play wen we hold Sfira all the way through ? Just bec non frum ppl were there, that’s a reason 2 play music during Sfira ? Excuse me we r in Aveilus now 4 the 24,000 students of R’ Akiva. Is the JCM not Frum, I mean Come On & mixed seatin rite outside Luubavitch World Hdqtrs I mean “How frum can we get” ? I mean inubavitch we dont hold from mix seatin @ all being that is a Modern Orthodox thing which isn’t kosher @ all. So The Dinner 4 the Rebbe’s project was done like this well wat do we have 2 say abt ourselves & the pritzis, I mean wen it comes 2 a frum chasuna we write in wat is ok clothin, Come on ppl get it 2gether Already. Stop this stupidity & nonsense. Also y is it that they “Had” 2 do it in a “

  • people who look for problems

    What is wrong with all you negative people?!
    To bash and put down people is ok?
    This was a beautiful event. It’s obvious that the people posting negativity are people who were not present. And obviously for good reason!!

    If only crown heights had more organizations and people like the one’s who run the fabulous museum.

  • the evolvement of Tzivos Hashem

    I agree with the poster who mentioned major issues with an outdoor cafe in Crown Heights especially RIGHT BY THE REBBE’S SHUL!!!?????
    This is an example of YERIDA.
    Please take stock, Tzivos Hashem administration of what you are doing.
    My children no longer receive any birthday reminders like they use to. The few times they did, it came way after their birthdays. Tzivos Hashem is not what it used to be and although often that can be a very good thing, in this respect, davka many of the “old” things that they used to do, that are majorly lacking NOW, ARE what the Rebbe wanted Tzivos Hashem to be.
    There are lots of things they do that are beautiful, but facilitating non-tznius situations right on the streets and side walks on our schuna and right by the Rebbe’s Shul is simply not what the Rebbe wants.

  • 2 No.16, 18, 19, & 20

    Regardless if it was Niggunim or not Lag Bomer is over you are allowed to listen to music just because you dont what gives you the right to tell others what to do. In fact I attending a wedding last week and there where plenty of CH Rabbis in attendance