Thousands Jam into Williamsburg Hall on Behalf of RCCS Cancer Patients
In what many described as the largest turnout ever for a life-saving beacon of chessed, thousands of Williamsburg residents jammed into the Ateres Avraham Hall this past Tuesday evening to lend their support to the amazing work of RCCS, the Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society.
Every nook and cranny of the largest hall in Williamsburg was crammed with well-wishers, donors, and askonim, with the overflow listening and watching on video screens placed throughout the building. The dinner attendees were especially charged to hear from Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Meor Yitzchok in Monsey, who spoke about the spiritual causes of sickness, like cancer r’l, and how to prevent them.
As is well known, RCCS provides a vast array of services for cancer-stricken patients in need, primarily subsidizing their health insurance premiums, thus allowing them access to the best possible medical care.
Feted at the event were community activists Dov Landa, Yidel Deutsch, Ahron Blaustein, Menachem Hartman and Harav Yechiel Halpert from Mosdos Pupa.
A highlight of the evening was provided by a young guest singer from Eretz Yisroel, Yaakov Stern, who regaled the audience with tears-inducing words about RCCS, followed by a thematic song, plus Yissachar Gutman and the Hamizamrim choral group.
Inspiring speeches were also delivered by RCCS founder and president, Reb Hershel Kohn, and by others who spoke of their first-hand knowledge of the life-saving work of RCCS.
The thousands of attendees all left the hall with the sounds of Tehillim resounding in their ears, praying for an end to all sickness within our midst; may that day come speedily.
CH member that attended the dinner
Verry nice, but you are reporting a half of story. The Honoree that recieved the “Medical Devotion award” was a Crown heights Lubavitcher named Dov Landa who is a Paramedic with Crown Heights Hatzolah, He also Happens to work in the W. as the Chief of pediatrics @ Quality Health Center. Rabbi Cohen attributed the sucessfull turnout to the event to his being honored.
What a wonderful organization
the dinner is a big kiddush hashem & a lubavitcher being honored their is a big kiddush lubavitch.
Hatzolah Member
It must be Moshiach times when a Lubavitcher chossid
is honored in Williamsburg for his devotion to klal Yisroel. We are very proud of you Dov Landa . May
you continue your work with devotion and continued
success. Hatzlacha Rabba!
Beneficiary of RCCS
Wonderful organization. Because of the chesed of RCCS, I was able to get quality medical help when I had this malady. May Moshiach come now so that all machlas will turn to Brachas.