Photos by Rivka and Binyomin Lifshitz

Photos: Purim in Crown Heights (3)

Purim on the streets of Crown Heights. Part 3.

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    • How Do You Know?

      I’m just wondering how you know what shoes she was wearing…… you only see the top of her body.

  • rivky

    I have never seen such a disgusting array of costumes in my life… From the man with a costume that said Rub me to the girls in fishnet stockings and mini skirts.. I am ashamed to be a lubavitcher… you should all be embarrassed

  • Tv

    I agree with you. It seemed to be worse than ever. My question is how do the mothers let their kids loose
    Dressed like that

  • David Meijers

    How one prepares for Purim? Learn Chassidus, try to understand why Purim is above all other Yomim toivim.
    Once you understand you will behave and dress accordingly