Yud Shvat in Beth Rivkah Montreal
Yud Shvat in Beth Rivkah of Montreal was marked in a significant way.The Elementary students of Grades 2 through 6 went by buses to visit and bring Yiddishe Simcha to residents in senior citizens homes and patients in hospitals.
Some conducted a program for children, while others helped in the Mada Food Bank. Before the students embarked on their Mivtzoim Shlichus they watched a lively video of the Rebbe during Kos shel Brocho.
Grade 7 ran a Mivtzoim Fair for the younger grades in Beth Rivkah, which included a “Farbrengen booth”, a Chinuch skit and activities where the children learned about the other Mivtzoim in a fun way. Grade 8 organized an original interactive Yud Shvat fair for younger children.
The pride the children had in doing the Rebbe’s Mivtzoim and the joy that they generated was the greatest reward of all.
Grades 9, 10 &11 were inspired by a panel discussion about the Rebbe and Hiskashrus led by Mrs Chana Schmukler, Mrs Rochel Cohen and Mrs Mushka Itkin – organized by Mrs Fanny Benshimon and Shaina Perlstein.
All the students wrote a “pan” to the Rebbe, with true sincerity, in honor of Yud Shvat.
go Zelda go!!
What a nice farbrengen!!!
gooo zeldaaaaaaaa
from ur bestest sis!!!!!
i spy...
Myself!!! GO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i rock!!!
thank you mrs minkowitz, RS and everyone else
we appreciate the work you put in
the results will be everlasting
Grade 8 did a great job in Yeshiva Garderie
pc camper
i spy…….. geula!!!!!!!!!
u rock!!!!
Dovid, Rochel & Sadie Eleff
Go Etty Schaff!!!! You’re awesome!! we love you:)