Rabbi Krinsky Tours Dnepr

In Dnepropetrovsk for his grandson’s wedding, Merkos Chairman Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky and guests visited the Menorah Center and other Jewish institutions headed by Chief Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky.


  • It-s Only Right

    It’s about time Rabbi Krinsky gets a chance to tour the Rebbe’s mosdos and the shluchim’s dedicated work. As the Rebbe’s trusted servant in Merkos Machne and Aguch he was always on the homefront.

    Enjoy Rabbi Krinsky! Shepp some nachas. You deserve it. We all deserve it!

  • Achdus

    Good Rabby Krinsky. Maybe you can help out Shluchim from other towns, not so reach, and who is not under Ohr Avner organization? Would be very proud of you if you will.