Photos: ULY Ocean Parkway Holds Torah Fair!

United Lubavitch Yeshiva of Ocean Parkway held a Torah Fair in which parents, teachers, staff and students were awed by the enchanting display that made our Torah a hands on experience.

The judges, with an unbiased eye and a Torah mind, graded and recorded each project. Judges grilled each student on the hallachot or lessons brought out by their project.

The top four projects: Gemorah project by C. Szanzer 250 points, Kalim of the Mishkan by M. Levy 277 points, Matan Torah by D Szanzer 280 points, 10 Makkot by S. Krasner 283 points.

Prizes included a 18 speed torque drive mountain bike with a helmet, Ripstick, and a scooter (or seforim of their choice of equal value) Bezrat Hashem all participants will be going on a major trip after Pesach!

A special thanks to Rabbi Eli Broner of The Conejo Jewish Day School “We could not have done it with out you” The Shmuel Schrage Middos Program, All staff, parents, teachers, students and volunteers that made this incredible successful project a reality.

The project was dedicated to a refuah shlemah for Yehuda Leib Chaim Halevi ben Batya.

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