This past Motzai Shabbos Kodesh, a hugely successful Purim bash was held at the Bais Menachem shul in Miami Beach. Attendance went far beyond expectations as over 250 people in total were present at different points throughout the evening.

Photos: Purim Bash on the Beach – Miami Beach

This past Motzai Shabbos Kodesh, a hugely successful Purim bash was held at the Bais Menachem shul in Miami Beach. Attendance went far beyond expectations as over 250 people in total were present at different points throughout the evening.

Children as well as adults enjoyed many of the evening’s exciting events. Initiating the night’s festivities with a real BANG, literally, all children who arrived in costume (and some adults as well) received special fire – popper noise makers to sound off by Haman’s name. After the megillah reading, Pizza, salad, hamantashen and lots of goodies decorated the tables and satisfied the pallets of many.

Pumping up the pulse to this purim party night was a huge coconut rock-climbing palm tree, the first of its kind ever seen! Kids and their parents rose to the challenge and made the precarious climb to the very top. What an apropos attraction for a very palm tree filled community!

The celebration really got into the ‘swing of things’ as children could hardly wait to have their turn to board the pendulum style pirate swing swaying back and forth to higher and higher heights accompanied by the squeals of excitement from its passengers.

Physical and spiritual excitement were both integral to the night’s program as the inspiring D’var Torah delivered by Rabbi Y. L Shapiro encouraged the crowd to a loud round of applause. Pesukim and a Torah thoughts were recited at a special rally for children with an overwhelming 125 kids remaining to receive special Purim gifts.

Program organized by Rabbi Yakov Garfinkel, Mrs. Batya Lipskar, and Mrs. Daphne Bortunk.