Chabad of West Hempstead Annual Awards Dinner

Community leaders and elected officials including Nassau County executive Edward Mangano, Nassau County Legislature Vincent Muscarella, Town of Hempstead Councilman Edward Ambrosino, Rabbi Tuvia Teldon regional director Chabad of Long Island, Rabbi Anchele Perl director Chabad of Mineola and co director of Chabad of Long Island, were present at the prestigious Garden City Hotel on New York’s Long Island to celebrate with Rabbi Yossi and Chaya Rochel Lieberman and Chabad of West Hempstead at their annual awards dinner last week.

The crowd of 300 guests paid tribute to the evening’s honorees Mr. and Mrs. Howard & Rhonda Boley. Mr. Marc Gold of Gold Pure Food Products, makers of the famed Golds Horseradish and musterd products, as well NYS Senate majority leader Senator Dean Skelos.

The Friendship Circle of West Hempstead was dedicated at the dinner and will now be known as The Gold’s family Friendship Circle. The presentation to the gold family was made by volunteers and members of the Friendship Circle and was a very moving moment.


  • aunt betty

    moshe, i,m simply loving your chabad of west hempstead yarmulka!come again to bubby’s house for shabbos.we love you!!

  • Your Fellow Classmate!

    Wow, Chaya Rochel…you guys are doing a great job! You look fabulous as ever..and so does your adorable family…ka”h. May Hashem continue to give you Koach as you continue to inspire the world around you! Kol Hakavod!

  • thats us chabad of westheampstead

    we are the family of westheampstead we made the dinner i am in the last picture with my brother