‘Roll your own Sushi’ for Chayolei Beis Dovid at ULY

Ever wonder what a 12 or 13 year old bocher would be doing with his free time? Chayolei Beis Dovid addresses just that. Students are motivated to use their time and creativity to improve their Avodas Hashem.

Here, CrownHeights.info’s photographer visited the 7th and 8th graders of Chayolei Beis Dovid, as they use their creativity to do something a bit different, actually very different, they are rolling their own Sushi.

This event and all of Chayolei Beis Dovid would not be possible without the dedication of the highly talented mashpiim, Mendel Chazzan, Laibel Ferrez, Binyomin Lizak, Mendel Robins, Srulie Bronstein, Dovber Blasberg, Mendy Ash and Program coordinator Yitzchok Pewsner, all of the Chovevei Torah zal, in Crown Heights.