Hundreds at Melbourne’s Simchas Beis Hashoeiva

Hundreds of men, women and children, joined Melbourne Anash for a grand Simchas Beis Hashoeiva at the Yeshivah Center of Melbourne on Tuesday, the night of Hoshana Raba.

The event began with a children’s program, led by Rabbi Moshe Kahan, which included an exciting show by master juggler and a magician from the city Circus.

Following the children’s show the large crowd danced until after midnight to the music of a lively six-piece band.

The event was an unforgettable event, one that the community hasn’t seen in ages, said one of the partakers.

Thanks to R’ Yoni Reyder and his team for organizing the successful event.


  • Mother looking for son-in-law

    Excuse me, young man in red scarf strumming acoustic, are you married? What’s your name? Will you move to the US? :)

  • Melbournian

    Thank you to Rabbi Ari Arenstein and Rabbi Shneur Lange for organising this event together with Rabbi Yoni Reyder.

  • Ha Ha

    Ha Ha,
    He’s married, and his wife moved FROM the US:)
    Good luck with your search>

  • Happy Parent

    Melbourne has waited a long time for a chassidishe event like this. Thanks to those who pushed for it to happen. You deserve more credit than those that get it.

  • Arele

    Hey My Homee boys from the Kollel
    miss you all like Cerazzzy!!
    you are Doin me proud
    shney, yonsss and ari
    G bless yaa’all
    You Bruder Arele!

  • shlome hamelech

    We love you auncle moishe and aunty dina. you guys are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 2468

    Moshe Kahn,
    the holy of the holy, the deepest of the deep, the precious of all precious

  • couzins in Toronto

    wow shneur…we are sooo proud of you and miriams accomplishments…as well as Baby Chana..looks like your are doing a great job down under!

  • chabadnik in aussie

    it was amazing to have a function that was made with lubavitcher families in mind – with entertainment that was appropriate and really celebrated the simcha of sukkos the way it should be celebrated!
    ten times better than luna park!

  • mendy kohn fan

    i spy mendy kohn, the chevraman and the cutest kid with zaida rabbi mordechai szmerling, 9th photo

  • An eyewitness

    This story bears almost no relationship to facts. Hundreds of people?! There were MAYBE 100 adults, almost all from Anash.
    “The large crowd danced until after midnight”?! What utter dishonestly! The children’s show occupied the vast majority of the time; the dancing didn’t start until about 7:30, and by 8:30 it was about over. By 9:00 the place was deserted.

  • sydney needs this!

    we need one of these chassideshe events in sydney it will help our own childrens chinuch :)