New Torah Welcomed in Australia

A new Torah was welcomed with singing and dancing to Chabad House of Caulfield, housed in a 770 look alike building in St. Kilda in Australia.

The last letters were written in the home of Moshe and Leah Bloom who donated the Torah in memory of their family members who perished in the Holocaust.

At the ceremony, Rabbi Yosef Gutnick, head of the Shul, spoke about the “great merit that the Bloom family is partaking.”

Spotted at the event were some guests from New York: two officials of the Crown Heights-based Shluchim Office Rabbi Gedalya Shemtov and Moshe Pinson.

The festive meal was attended by Rabbi Daniel Alter, son of the late Pnei Menachem Rebbe of Ger, who was in town for a family occasion.