Cheder Menachem Auction’s Prizes

LOS ANGELES, CA — The Cheder Menachem Annual Auction drew over 300 people last Tuesday, June 1st, for a festive evening of prizes and entertainment in support of the Lubavitch boys’ school.

Perfect weather enhanced this truly beautiful evening at the luxurious Gilmore Adobe Gardens, where the elegant setup featured a lovely display of an assortment of prizes. The program itself was a terrific success—from Master of Ceremonies Simcha Levenberg’s humorous quips to the inspiring performance by the boys’ choir and thoughtful D’var Torah delivered by 4th grade student, Avi Baitelman. Throughout, guests enjoyed a gourmet hot buffet and delectable desserts. The event also included a screening of a short film that demonstrated the Cheder’s achievements and the warmth and humor exhibited by the yeshiva’s staff.

And of course, the prizes: Split the pot and jackpot were won, respectively, by Rivky Minkowitz and Levi Mishulovin; Rabbi Y. Schneerson took home roundtrip tickets for two to Israel; Boruch and Roza Greenbaum won an iMac and the Fabulous Freeda Wig went to Hudy Lipskier. Dozens of others won great prizes that ranged from an iPad to a silver Menorah and from trips to Disneyland to jewelry.

For more information about Cheder Menachem of Los Angeles please visit their website at

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