Photos: Lag Baomer in Los Angeles!

Los Angeles, CA [CHI] — More than 4,000 men, women and children joined Chabad at Schneerson Square in Los Angeles. Pico Boulevard was closed between Doheny and Crest for Chabad’s massive Lag b’Omer Unity Street Fair and Concert. A project of “Chabad Youth Programs” of Chabad Of California, the festivities commenced at 10:30 am with a parade down Pico Boulevard that included flag-waving children, a real marching band and colorful parade floats built by local schools and organizations.

Rabbi Boruch Shlomo Cunin, head of West Coast Chabad-Lubavitch, addressed the crowd. “Today we celebrate Jewish unity and our love for one another. Today we stand before our Rebbe at Schneerson Square and we celebrate our children, the Rebbe’s precious gems. We are confident that our acts of goodness and kindness, love and unity, will bring about the immediate redemption of the Jewish people.”

Lag b’Omer commemorates two key moments in Jewish history that happened in the First Century C.E.: on this date, the plague that killed Rabbi Akiba’s students ended, and also on this date, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, author of Zohah, passed away and asked that the event be marked by celebration. This holiday is now observed with festivals of unity.

Clowns and jugglers entertained the youngsters while older kids tested their skill climbing the rock wall and enjoying one of the many game booths. The petting zoo hosted a menagerie of animals for the kids as well as pony rides. A variety of exciting carnival rides provided fun for the entire family.

Of the highlights at the outdoor festival was a live concert by the world’s newest Jewish-Chasidic singer Benny Freidman, and the worlds famous entertainer Mendy pellin, MC Rabbi Mintz Shliach to Bell Air California, a Special Thanks to the Shluchim and Bouchrim of Yeshivas Ohr Elchanan Chabad, Leibele Cohen of Cheder Menachem, Yossi Burstein, Chaim Cunin, Yanky Baitelmen, Shalom Ber Cunin of Chabad Of California.


  • 1957

    Looks as much like Brooklyn as does Crown Heights – and they even took the Dodgers who through their history have now played more games in LA than they played in Brooklyn.

  • Pesach & Chana

    Yossi it looks like you did a great job, with every detail thought out – again! Much hatzlacha ubracha!

  • Sam Kustanovitch

    Hey sandberg -good photos….but keep your day job!!!!
    Truly a kiddush Hashem for California….I remember the good ole days with uncle moishy in Pan Pacific park…maybe 300 kids…we sure have come into our own a magnificent turnout….. the Rebbes Brochos keep growing Stronger.

  • Amused

    Interesting color choice for the flag behind them, in west hollywood, but still a nice event


    LA its good to see Hatzalah in the parade. Keep up the good work. Nice LA-Truck 1.

  • Huh? Sam Kustanovitch wrote

    What parade did you go to at Pan pacific park that had 300 kids? Grades pre 1A through 5th grade came from Hillel, Yavneh, Sephardic, Emek, and Chabad schools! There were over 1000 kids at each rally. Those were the days that General Chaim Mentz ran Tzivos Hashem.

  • brachie clapman

    go Liza!!!! we love u tons!!!! u said that posuk soooooooo wel!