Photos: Simchas Beis Hashueva with the Fishers

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Mendy Fisher hosted a fun and joyous Simchas Beis Hashueva for family, friends and neighbors.


  • Ze Leumas Zeh?

    Is this the response to the other ‘photos in the sukkah’ from last night?

  • Shoshanna Silcove

    Gut Yar to the Fischer family, their extended family, and to all my old neighbors and dear friends at 770 Montgomery St shule.

  • admirer

    go fischers what a lovely family happy 2 be part of it we had an amazing time!!

  • obfos

    Yudel’s daughter is marred to Yossi Freidman
    Yossi Fridman’s daughter is marred to Mendy Fisher got it !

  • Bobby Partial

    Mendy and the rest of the Fisher Family.

    Thank you so much for letting us into your home. We had a marvelous time. May you have many smachot for many years to come. And please keep Mendy away from the microphone next time. haha

  • who cares

    And who cares about who is married to who, be a person for yourself not from yichus! Every person should be a person for themselves!!!

  • chilu posen

    I can not express myself how happy I was to be a part of that simchas bais shoevah
    May hashem help that me and my group should beable to do it for meny more years
    Chilu posen – M’zamrim