New Sefer Torah to Hadar Hatorah

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Mispalelim of Talmidim of Hadar Hatorah gathered this past Shabbos for a Hakhel Alumni Gathering weekend, and in conjunction a Torah was completed and dedicated on Sunday to the Shul. The Torah was dedicated in memory of Faiga Sara bas Yonah Yitzchok OBM.


  • CN

    A sefer Torah for a safer world. May Fayga Sara bas Yonah Yitzchok’s neshama have an aliya today, on her yahrzeit, and may we merit to see her again soon with Moshiach Tzidkenu.

  • Disappointed & Heartbroken Chosid

    As an alumnus of Hadar HaTorah I find today’s Hadar HaTorah to be a busha to the memories of Rabbi Yisroel Jacaobson,Rabbi J. J. Hecht & The Rebbe,ZY”A.
    The yechi machala has infected Hadar HaTorah just like 770.

  • CN

    To Disappointed & Heartbroken Chosid:

    Had you come to the siyum sefer Torah you would have seen it had nothing to do with “Yechi” (or “anti-Yechi” for that matter). It was in that aspect as “parve” as a pomegranate. Letters were written in the Torah, hakafos were made without any language anyone (including you) would find objectionable and then a nice seudas mitzvah was held after mincha. Your comment is way off base and totally irrelevant to the article.