Weather Alert Issued For NYC Friday Night Through Shabbos Morning
The New York City Emergency Management Department (NYCEM) issued a weather alert beginning, Friday, December 20th through the morning of Saturday, December 21. According to the National Weather Service, a light rain/snow mix is forecast for the evening commute on Friday, which may produce slick conditions on untreated surfaces. Ice is not expected. The southern half of the city is expected to see plain rain.
A transition to light snow is expected after the evening commute and may continue through Saturday morning. Total snowfall accumulations of about 0.5 inch are possible citywide with a 10% chance for 2 inches. Temperatures remain above freezing on Friday but will drop below freezing early Saturday morning, resulting in the potential for slick, icy conditions on untreated surfaces.
Cold temperatures also settle in over the weekend, with single-digit wind chills possible Sunday morning and again Monday morning. Temperatures are forecast to remain below freezing through the second half of Tuesday.
Residential building owners are legally required to maintain indoor temperatures at 68 degrees when the temperatures fall below 55 degrees outside during the day and a minimum of 62 degrees indoors overnight, regardless of outdoor temperatures. If an apartment lacks appropriate heat, a tenant should first attempt to notify the building owner, managing agent or superintendent. If heat is not restored, the tenant should register an official complaint via 311. Tenants can call 311, visit 311 online at NYC.gov/311, or use the 311 mobile app (on Android and iOS devices) to file a complaint. Hearing-impaired tenants can register complaints via a Touchtone Device for the Deaf TDD at (212) 504-4115.
NYC Emergency Management offers New Yorkers tips on staying safe before, during, and after winter storms: https://www.nyc.gov/site/em/ready/winter-weather-prep.page.