Lawmakers to Allow NYC to Lower Speed Limit to 20 mph
New York City will get the authority to lower the speed limit to 20 miles per hour on most streets in the five boroughs as part of the emerging state budget deal in Albany, state leaders said Thursday.
Gov. Kathy Hochul during a news conference acknowledged a version of “Sammy’s Law” made it into the final budget agreement. The measure will allow the City Council to pass legislation that lowers the current default speed limit of 25 miles per hour on nearly all of the city’s streets.
Rosenthal said the deal will not allow the city to lower the speed limits on roads with three or more lanes of traffic heading in one direction, a caveat that was designed to get city-based members of the Legislature on board with the deal.
Read More at The Gothamist
Just another money grab by lefty politicians.
Most people that speed don’t care what the posted sign states.
This is to target the everyday NYer with more fines, plain and simple.
Just another reason to move out of the 5 boroughs.
Soon the speed will be 5 mph, and as you drive, the joggers will be passing you…
if you ever go to williamsburg there are places where the traffic is so bad that traffic on the road moves slower than pedestrians on the sidewalk.
Was on cars
Out-right war on cars, no place to park, no place to drive. But these crazy mopeds and electric scooters do whatever they want!!!