Woke Pricing Might Be Coming For Parking Tickets Under New City Council Bill
by CrownHeights.info
Are you wealthy? You might soon be paying more for parking tickets under new NYC Council Bill than those of lesser means.
The bill was introduced to the New York City Council Thursday that would make wealthier people pay their fair share, or in other words pay parking fines proportional to income.
According to reports, the bill was introduced by Brooklyn Councilman Justin Brannan and would launch a pilot program to create “means-based financial penalties for civil transgressions”.
“Instead of bankrupting working people while winking at the rich by setting the same fines for everyone, fines should be high enough to discourage people from breaking laws that endanger or inconvenience our neighbors but low enough that they don’t arbitrarily upend anyone’s life,” Brannan said, according to the Daily News.
Just the chance of such a bill passing the New York City Council is quite alarming.
This happens when we learn in chitas not to judge based on wealth.
I’m all for it. Fines are supposed to be incentives not to break a law. Seems fair that the financial incentive should be based off of your finances. Keeps the incentive equal across classes.
OK, then, let them start enforcing fines against the illegal parkers of the various UN delegations and national missions.
What’s that? They’re special? Well, fancy that. So justice is already unequal.
Justin Brannan is terrible and a joke. This ticketing by income is dead on arrival. Fines are based on a structure list. Not someone’s financial status. I can’t wait to vote him out this November
This already exists in a number of other countries – Switzerland and some of Scandinavia I think.
meyer chein
Good idea since I have no income I pay no fine. Works for me
Driving is becoming a huge expense for some now you want to tax them thru this program. I see less parking spaces, back end deals with car rental companies, deals with other big businesses that bring nothing to the community not even hiring.
Heavily fine those diplomats and others who don’t pay their share. Why attack the people that work hard and barely surviving
Ted Turko
Its a terrible idea. Here in Brooklyn they are putting up a bunch of tall apt. Blogs. Thousands of construction workers, all the people who live here. All the parking garages in this area are full, im on a waiting list for 2. Meanwhile no legal street parking can be found. Im parking almost a mile away. Meanwhile arbitrary no parking zones. Only FDNY. Its terrible