New Proposal Would Drastically Reduced Hours Trash Will Sit on NYC Streets

Update: Corrected Link to File A Comment With The City is

As part of the Adams administration’s ongoing commitment to cleaning up New York City’s streets and strengthening the city’s economic recovery, New York City Mayor Eric Adams and the New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) today announced the opening of the public comment period for new proposed rules, reducing the number of hours trash and recycling will sit on New York City sidewalks by adjusting the time of day trash may be placed on the curb. Currently, trash and recycling may be placed on the curb after 4:00 PM the night before collection – the earliest of any major American city – meaning that in many neighborhoods these items can sit out for more than 14 hours, including during the evening pedestrian rush hour. These new rules would decrease the amount of time trash is left on the curb, diminishing the eyesore of black bags, reducing trash for rats, and improving cleanliness – and ultimately boosting the city’s recovery.

“Bags of trash sitting on the curb for hours have hurt our city’s recovery for too long and is one of the most indelible images of New York, but, today, we’re saying enough is enough by making a generations-overdue change that will have a real impact on the cleanliness of our streets,” said Mayor Adams. “By drastically reducing the amount of time that black bags can sit on our curb, we’re not just catching up with other cities but surpassing them and leading the nation again. This announcement will keep our streets clean, it will discourage rats from running their own version of Open Restaurants, and it will mean no more tripping over black garbage bags at rush hour. We’re not going to let New Yorkers be plagued by rats – we’re going to keep our city squeaky clean.”

Under the new rules, slated to go into effect on April 1, 2023, residential buildings would have up to three options, each of which would substantially decrease the amount of time trash is on the curb:

  • Place trash out after 6:00 PM in a secure container,
  • Place trash out after 8:00 PM if putting bags directly on the curb, or
  • If a building has nine or more residential units, the property owner may opt in to a 4:00 – 7:00 AM set-out window instead. The opt-in period will run for the month of January each year, allowing DSNY to design quick and efficient routes that take effect April 1.

Taken together, this means trash will sit on the curb for a fraction of the time it does currently. These rules would apply to recycling and curbside composting as well.

This announcement also includes new clarified rules for commercial establishments, which do not receive service from DSNY but rather from private waste haulers. Businesses may engage in one of the following options:

  • Place trash out after 8:00 PM if putting bags directly on the curb or
  • Place trash out one hour before closing in a secure container.

In addition to these new proposed rules, DSNY is doing more of its collection on the midnight shift than pre-pandemic, further reducing the amount of time trash sits on the street. Overnight collection now accounts for approximately one quarter of all collection operations – roughly 5 million pounds per night.

The proposed rules are subject to public comment under the City Administrative Procedure Act. The comment period will be open until November 18, and a public hearing on the proposed rules will be held on Thursday, November 18 at 9:30 AM. After considering these public comments, DSNY will publish final rules later this year. Public comments can be submitted by email, mail, or via the city’s website.


  • old timer

    This might seem like a good idea. however, just like the proposed school revisionsim that has already passed, this bill will greatly impact orthodox jews. we will have to wait to put out our trash until 6 or 8 pm, and for those of us who have trash pick-up on Saturday, we cannot carry out our trash after Shabbos begins on Friday, which will be more than half the year. think about it.

  • YW

    The article says “Public comments can be submitted by email, mail, or via the city’s website.”

    SO: We Orthodox Jews need to send in our comments about how this totally does not work for those of us w/Saturday pickup!!!

  • Priorities?

    This is a quality-of-life concern, but I question why it is coming ahead of the much more important disasters going on in NYC that need addressing FIRST!!!

  • landlord

    the site says not available.
    Not good for Shabbos pick up and to put garbage out at night after dark is not good either, need to do by day when it is light. also where are you meant to keep all the garbage until 8 pm? More rats at the back of the house, better to put by the curb where rats are less likely to run then the back of the house.

  • Hypocritical

    I put my garbage out Monday night, but the Sanitation Department Truck doesn’t pick it up until Tuesday evening.