• Sarah

    This is agaimst the rebbe’s hashkafos and chabad. Music and especially live concerts are not allowed during sefira

  • Ploni

    Following what the Rebbe says. Of course I do, an average chabad person would reply. A concert. Sefira. Chabad website publishing. Say we are being paid to do this. Hey so why not also get a haircut now if someone paying you. The Rebbe made it clear. Although many now say listening to regular music is ok and concert not. Live music. Something chabad is strict not to do under any circumstances.

  • Disappointed :(

    Extremely disappointed that Ishay made a concert in NY during sefira. Although for him it is ok to listen to music now, he is well aware there are many Jews in this area that it is assur for. Of course it is not within his control if people come or not, however this is a huge stumbling block for many people who appreciate his music.
    What’s even sadder is the amount of Lubavitchers that went •_•.