New Buildings Must Go Electric Under City Council Deal

The Real Deal

The City Council is poised to ban the use of gas in new buildings, requiring most to use electricity-powered heat and hot water.

Lawmakers reached a deal late Wednesday on a bill requiring new buildings shorter than seven stories to go electric on Jan. 1, 2024, and taller ones after July 1, 2027. Projects that get their construction documents approved before those dates will be exempt.

A building with fewer than seven stories and at least half of its units subject to an affordable housing regulatory agreement is spared from the requirement if construction documents are approved before Dec. 31, 2025. A new building that is taller and has such an agreement will have two more years beyond that.

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  • ch resident

    The U.S government has absolutely lost there minds. I can bet 100% that within the year of these buildings being put up there will be electrical fires. What is wrong with the American Government?!!!

    • I am more concerned about how this will affect us

      Forget the electrical fires for a second if there’s a blackout that means people won’t have access to hot water or fires to cook.

      Think of how many of us were able to feed ourselves during blackouts that were more than a few days long because we had access to gas.

      Switching from gas to electric literally gives the government the power to shut up our electric and literally cut off our lifelines.