NYC Grab-and-Go Meals To Include Kosher Option
Earlier today, New York City announced that they will be providing three kosher “grab and go” meals per day for any New Yorker that requests them.
This announcement comes after a major push by representatives from Agudath Israel, the Alliance for Yeshiva Education, the Jewish Education Project, the Sephardic Community Federation, TEACH NYS and the United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg for kosher “grab and go” meals for Orthodox Jewish children and their families in NYC during the corona pandemic.
There will be ten sites in Brooklyn, including two near Crown Heights, as well as in Queens that will provide these meals free of charge.
The meals are being provided by Borenstein Caterers under the brand name of “Regal-Glatt.” The Kashrus supervision is being provided by Volove Kashrus – Rabbi N.E. Teitelbaum of Congregation Nachlas Avos Volove.
Some sites will open Tuesday while some others will open on Thursday.
The Crown Heights locations will be opening on Thursday, April 23rd, from 7:30am to 1:30pm.
* P.S. 289 George V. Brower – 900 St Marks Avenue, Brooklyn 11213
* I.S. 2 – 655 Parkside Avenue, Brooklyn 11226