Mayor Proposes Free Pre-K for All 3-Year-Olds
Mayor Bill de Blasio is proposing free, full-day early childhood education for all of New York City’s 3-year-olds by the fall of 2021.
Mayor De Blasio, School Chancellor Carmen Fariña, and City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito announced the new “3-K for All” program at P.S. 1 in the Bronx on Monday, April 24, 2017.
De Blasio said that the city hopes to launch a pilot of the program next fall year at a cost of $36 million, which would rise to $177 million once the full program is implemented.
The state and federal governments would have to pitch in to make the program financially viable, he said.
moshe derc g
yes but like the “other programs”
they do not allow jewish studies at all not even 5 minutes.. when they come to inspect if you have a alef beis hanging it has to come off
Amused Observer
How would you feel about the classes having even 5 minutes of “Christian Studies”, or “Islamic Studies”?
Great Dane
Nothing is ever free. We as taxpayers pay for it. I’m sick and tired of the government thinking my money is their money to redistribute. Can we please get this marxist socialist redistributionist out of here and get a Conservative mayor who values individual liberty?
wow, their slow
we get that in wisconsin :}
Grateful we left
A famous lawyer once said that if the Yeshivas take money from the government understand that they can make any demands they want. I remember when we had UPK try to refuse to offer UPK to any school that only takes one gender. Agudath Israel won that battle but it wasn’t easy.