Survey: Brooklyn Least Affordable Place in America
From Market Watch:
The most unaffordable place to live in the U.S. is not San Francisco or Manhattan. It’s Brooklyn.
A person earning the average salary in Brooklyn cannot afford the average home there — even if he could spend his entire salary (and then some) on housing, according to a survey released on Thursday by real-estate firm RealtyTrac, which looked at home sales price data in 417 of the most populous counties in the U.S. as well as average wage data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The second and third most unaffordable places in America are Marin County, Calif. and Santa Cruz, Calif. — both of which would also require the average wage earner to spend his or her entire salary and more to buy the median home in the area.
Uncle Mendel
Sure, we will have a front row seat when Moshiach comes !
This really gives us hope!
nit koshe
People who buy house in Brooklyn either work in Manhattan, or off the books :)
Avraham Yehuda
Acc 2 the article S.F. (San Francisco) is 2nd after Bklyn, I can’t believe that S.F. beat L.A. Wow, I mean L.A. isn’t cheap, but yes that’s amazing that S.F. is even more expensive than L.A. !! But this is the reason why frum ppl are leaving Bklyn (WB / BP) & are moving 2 Lakewood, Satmar already has a whole development just 4 them in Lakewood, it’s finishing being built.
Yitzchak Binyamin
Not only is buying a house in Bklyn the most unaffordable in the US, but even renting is the highest as well, it’s unfortunate that a great place like Bklyn which most ppl love, is now unaffordable, where else can we go ? Nothing beats Bklyn, not even L.A. or S.F.
Bklyn which most ppl love,
if you think that”place like Bklyn which most ppl love, and “Nothing beats Bklyn, not even L.A. or S.F.”
You have a PROBLEM
DeClasse' Intellectual
And, all that money gets you nothing in compairsion to other places in the country.
#1) that will not occur because you will be living in an enclosed cardboard box with no widows at the cost of everyone’s salary at that time.
@%) There are people who flee Brooklyn because it is the worse place to live and New York city with itws bourghs wins that negativity prize
To #6
Are you saying that most ppl don’t love Bklyn & that Bklyn doesn’t beat L.A. & S.F, I don’t know anyone that doesn’t love Bklyn, & why does L.A. & S.F. beat Bklyn ? In L.A. or S.F. u don’t have places like Williamsburg, Crown Heights, Boro Park, where else in the US do u have this ?