Giuliani: We’ve Unlearned Lessons of Crown Heights
Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani criticized his successor, Bill de Blasio, for letting the protests in the aftermath of Eric Garner’s chokehold death get out of hand, saying “This is what we learned with Crown Heights, and it seems like we’ve unlearned it.”
From CBS New York:
Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani has called on critics to dial down the “rhetoric” against Mayor Bill de Blasio in the face of two NYPD officers who were fatally shot in Brooklyn Saturday.
Giuliani spoke out in defense of de Blasio, but also criticized him for not being tough enough on protesters during recent demonstrations over the grand jury decision in the Eric Garner case, 1010 WINS’ Sonia Rincon reported.
“Stop this stuff with ‘the blood is on his hands.’ The blood is not on his hands,” the former mayor told 1010 WINS. “I don’t think the mayor is responsible for this. I think that’s an incorrect and incendiary charge…I do think he should change some of his policies.”
Giuliani said de Blasio allowed protesters too much control.
“The protesters should not have been allowed to take over streets the way they did,” Giuliani said. “This is what we learned with Crown Heights, and it seems like we’ve unlearned it.”
Leo de Toot
Pity we never saw President Giuliani – not only the U.S.A. but the world would be a safer place!
There is a boss
In the mayors time, criminals were so afraid that they didn’t even sleep at night never mind actually comit crime he was truly the boss of the city.
Lessons learned?
Our mayor is too focused on his “progressive agenda” to learn any lessons. Hey Mr. Bill, most New Yorkers aren’t interested in your “progressive liberal agenda”, they’re interested in good governance, an area where you fall far, far short,
Right to protest? That’s not important
The right to protest is very important. That doesn’t mean every protest is for a good cause. Even Nazis have the right to march, but they are wrong to exercise that right, because their cause is wrong. These protesters are wrong too, because they are falsely accusing the police of murder and racism; that have the right to be wrong, but all right-minded people should condemn them.
At last some won normal?! Let us c result’s
halevai that we would have merited to have Guliani as our President, how amazing that would have been. This mayor isnt a balanced person, and he does not know proper politics. He is a joke. Anyone who talkes about his son the way he did, is really unprofessional.