NY Post

Duh! Manslaughter Charges Added to Killer Driver

A Brooklyn grand jury has indicted the hit-and-run driver who killed an expectant couple and their unborn child on three counts of manslaughter, the Brooklyn District Attorney said today.

Julio Acevedo, 44, had previously been indicted on charges of leaving the scene of the Williamsburg crash that killed Nachman Glauber and his pregnant wife Raizy earlier this month.

The Orthodox Jewish couple’s unborn son was delivered prematurely but died the next day.

“While we knew it was a snowy evening and the defendant was speeding, our investigation has developed additional information concerning the nature of Mr. Acevedo’s conduct leading up to the fatal crash,” DA Charles Hynes said today.

Acevedo was driving almost 70 miles per hour and recklessly passed cars and a FDNY fire truck just before the accident, the DA’s office said.

“As Acevedo’s car passed the civilian’s car it rounded a curve at a high speed and immediately slammed into the car carrying the victims,” the DA’s office said in a press release. “After the crash Acevedo exited his car, was seen observing the carnage, and fled.”

Prosecutors had said the career criminal could face 25 years to life even before he was charged with the three manslaughter counts.


  • Interesting

    I live in California. Here, he would be charged with 3 counts of 2nd degree murder which would equal 3 life terms. Its considered 2nd degree because he understood the risks of DWI and that his drunk driving can result in death. This is based on his prior DWI conviction.

    Im amazed that NY law provides only for manslaughter.

  • Aparently

    Apparently there is no evidence (other his conduct) that he was intoxicated.

    • Anonymous

      Ha ha read what it says it says he could face 25 years “even BEFORE” he was convicted of manslaughter

  • Anonymous

    this is nuts, i understand it was wrong of him to run after the accident, but do you people really think his main motive was to kill this family

    • manslaughter

      motive is not a factor here. the man caused the death of two adults and a child. if he had intent to kill then he would be charged with murder, but since he did not have the intent he is charged with manslaughter, which is also why it is a ‘duh’ to have charged him with it.