A flight that originated out of John F. Kennedy Airport was diverted this morning amid security concerns.

JFK Flight to Phoenix Diverted over Security Concerns


A flight that originated out of John F. Kennedy Airport was diverted this morning amid security concerns.

Transportation Security Administration officials say US Airways flight 457 bound for Phoenix was forced to land in St. Louis due to suspicious behavior by three male passengers.

Officials say one of the men had walked up the aisle immediately after take off.

The plane landed without incident at Lambert Airport in Phoenix shortly before 8 a.m.

It was cleared to continue on its scheduled flight following a security sweep.

Officials do not believe the incident was part of any terrorist act.

Heightened security remains in place at the nation’s airports following the September 11th anniversary.


  • ceo

    can we be notified of the situation now? What did they find out about those men, what were their motives, etc.

  • B H all is well

    2 Lubavitcher Bochrim were on the plane on their way to go on Merkaz Shlichus to the stat of Wyoming. The Rebbe was watching them!