Is Obama Angry with Brooklyn’s Orthodox Jews?

City Hall News

A photo from Williamsburg capturing Brooklyn’s support for Obama during the 2008 presidential elections.

Brooklyn pols were apoplectic yesterday when FEMA’s list of counties eligible for disaster aid included every New York City borough but theirs. Borough President Marty Markowitz pronounced himself “dumbfounded.” City Council Finance Chairman Domenic Recchia asked, “Are they kidding?”

Waterfront sections of the borough were flooded from end to end, part of the seawall facing the Atlantic Ocean collapsed, and soil was weakened under the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway in Brooklyn Heights.

City and federal disaster officials said the omission was simply a bureaucratic lag, and Brooklyn will surely be added within days.

Still, some wondered whether President Barack Obama’s administration might be miffed with Brooklyn, where Orthodox Jews angry about his Israel policy hope to flip a congressional seat that was once solidly Democratic. One Democratic officeholder wondered about Obama: “Maybe he realizes that [Assemblyman] Dov Hikind lives in Brooklyn?”