Enjoy the Spring Temperatures While You Can

NY Daily News

Residents headed for the beach at Coney Island to take advantage of some balmy February weather. Temperatures will plunge back down starting Saturday.

After springing ahead to balmy temperatures, the city will fall back to more chilly weather this weekend.

The brutal winter abated Thursday with a high of 62 degrees in Central Park, where it was three degrees warmer than Los Angeles at the same time.

Temperatures Friday are expected to hit about the same mark, approaching the record of 68 degrees from 1981.

But the pleasant weather will likely blow out of town Saturday when harsh winds begin whipping the city.

Forecasters warned the sustained gusts of up to 45 mph could imperil trees and power lines.

“There’s bad news ahead for the weekend,” said meteorologist Brian Edwards of Accuweather.com. “It’s going to cool off a little bit. And it will be breezy [today], and even windier Saturday.”

Temperatures were expected to drop back into the low 30s by Saturday night, with New Yorkers awaking to more subfreezing temperatures on Sunday.

Presidents Day offered little promise of a holiday from lousy weather. There’s a 30% chance of rain or possibly snow, depending on the temperatures.

The best case scenario for Monday: No rain, temperatures in the mid-40s, and mostly cloudy.


  • tipshim

    What are those Chassidim trying to do? Suntan their white shirts until they turn black. So it can blend in with their black coats and hats.

  • Sand in your Tzitzis

    How Tznius for these Chassidim to go on the beach. I bet they weren’t looking at the guys. hypocritical creeps. who’s gonna show this photo round Willy?

  • lay off

    you have no idea what they were doing there-
    or who else was on the beach-
    so please don’t judge

    it’s not exactly that they were there during regular beach season

    may HAshem send us Moshiach already

  • please dont bash

    on the Pious ones of H’.
    thank you, may you only grow in Kedusha and Simcha :)

  • Boring!!

    Not that innapropiate, but pretty cute1 Whatever!! Enjoy the sunny weather while you can!!

  • Beach Is a Great place to relax.

    Nothing wrong going to the beach when no one is there!
    Obviously you were never on Miami Beach’s Boardwalk late in the evening.
    Also, erev Yom Kippur there are tens of chassidim on the Coney Island beach reciting tashlich.