NY Daily News

The cops say when Assistant Chief Gerald
Nelson (above) found out they had lodged
a complaint about a black sergeant’s
N-word-laced rant, Nelson repeated the
Two black cops who reported a boss for using a racial slur say they were viciously chewed out by an African-American chief in the NYPD and are now planning a lawsuit.

Assistant Chief Gerald Nelson went ballistic after Officer Shelron Smikle made a June 10 report to the Internal Affairs Bureau charging that a black sergeant at the 83rd Precinct dropped the N-bomb on him.

Two days later, Nelson, the commander of Patrol Borough Brooklyn North, ordered Smikle, 28, and his partner, Blanch O'Neal, 38, to his office, they told the Daily News in an interview.

“'We have friends in IAB, and you're full of s---!'” Nelson screamed, according to Smikle and O'Neal. “So what, he [the sergeant] called you a n----r? If you can't handle it, resign!'”

Racial Slur? So what! Two Police Officers say Black Chief didn’t Care

NY Daily News

The cops say when Assistant Chief Gerald
Nelson (above) found out they had lodged
a complaint about a black sergeant’s
N-word-laced rant, Nelson repeated the

Two black cops who reported a boss for using a racial slur say they were viciously chewed out by an African-American chief in the NYPD and are now planning a lawsuit.

Assistant Chief Gerald Nelson went ballistic after Officer Shelron Smikle made a June 10 report to the Internal Affairs Bureau charging that a black sergeant at the 83rd Precinct dropped the N-bomb on him.

Two days later, Nelson, the commander of Patrol Borough Brooklyn North, ordered Smikle, 28, and his partner, Blanch O’Neal, 38, to his office, they told the Daily News in an interview.

“’We have friends in IAB, and you’re full of s—!’” Nelson screamed, according to Smikle and O’Neal. “So what, he [the sergeant] called you a n—-r? If you can’t handle it, resign!’”

Smikle, who was born on the Caribbean island of Jamaica, said he also complained that the sergeant told him “to go back to [his] country” and referred to him as a “dollar van driver.”

“So what, he said that to you?” Nelson allegedly responded.

“’Get the f— out of my office! It doesn’t matter if this conversation is being recorded. I’m not saying anything wrong.’”

The cops said they were shocked by Nelson’s alleged racial insensitivity in repeating the slur.

“It’s not acceptable for a chief in charge … to say that,” Smikle said. “It’s a slap in the face.”

The two cops have hired lawyer Eric Sanders of the firm Jeffrey Goldberg in Lake Success, L.I., to file a federal complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, a precursor to filing a lawsuit.

“Chief Nelson is African-American, and we would expect as a police executive he would have responded differently,” Sanders said.

“If he feels this way, what does it say about how they treat the public in Brooklyn North?”

O’Neal and Smikle say the problem started when they were dumped on foot patrol on a 97-degree day because the keys to their radio car were missing, which they say was due to a prank.

Cops Shelron Smikle (l.), 28, and Blanch
O’Neal, 38, pictured here at their lawyer’s
office, plan to sue NYPD.

A black sergeant lit into Smikle for being in the stationhouse instead of being out in the streets and allegedly spewed racial epithets that were overheard by O’Neal.

Later that day, the cops fell sick from heat exhaustion, then called the IAB and the office of equal employment opportunity to lodge complaints about the sergeant.

Nelson acknowledged that he reamed the cops for going to the IAB, told them their allegations were false and threw them out of his office.

He adamantly denies he used the N-word, however.

“I never use that language,” Nelson said. “That is an absolute lie. You guys print whatever you like, but if you print that, you’re printing a lie.”

Nelson also warned that the cops’ complaints would get them in more trouble.

“Now I have to open an investigation. If I see this in the paper, I will discipline them again. I don’t need this in my career,” he told The News. “But it comes with the territory.”

Nelson’s mouth has landed him in hot water before.

When he was in charge of the school-safety division in 2005, he allegedly referred to angry parents as “b—–s” at a meeting attended by 850 school-safety agents. The agents’ union received dozens of complaints, but Nelson denied making the statements.


  • i knew he had some connection saving him

    Is this Nelson by any chance related to the infamous criminal of crownheights.info Nelson who is always cought and somehow miraciliously saved and freed from prison each time??
    …..i wonder……

  • Av

    Sounds like a grab for money. [N-word]s say the N-word themselves all the time.

  • CN

    What’s the big deal if Blacks use the N word to each other. It’s obviously not much of a racial slur under those circumstances, and I hear it going on amongst Blacks to each other all the time. Who even pays attention.

  • nelsons goose is cooked!

    to all those small minded commentors saying “who cares” and “why is this published here?” let me inform you that this is the cheif that is in charge of “Brooklyn North” with oversees the 77th precinct, one of the precinct that cover crown heights.

    additionaly, there were roumers that this chief was involved in some realy sinster stuff against crown heights in general, hatzalah and shomrim in specific.

    who knew, the world is round, every dog has his day.

    good riddance cheif nelson!

  • Pentax

    Black people use the N word like we say “Rabbi” or “Hey Jew” to each other.

    It’s ok for them to say it to each other
    because they know that they don’t mean it to each other in a derogatory way.

    It’s ok for us to say “Hey Jew” “Jew Boy” to each other because we are both Jewish and it’s a joke, but if some random person on the street called you that you would take it offensively wouldn’t you?

    And thats the game.

  • hili

    Ohhhh. Hes the cheif in charge of Brooklyn North……………Like I said, WHO CARES!

  • Lyt

    I think everyone on here who says who cares has some issues. Who cares? I do, just because a lot of black folk throw the N word around don’t mean ALL of us accept that and think it’s cool. IT’S NOT!!! I don’t want my boss calling me anything but my name. I don’t come to work to be harassed by the chief or by anyone. And before you get on your law enforcement and that’s how it goes horse, I am in law enforcement. People treat you the way YOU allow them to treat you.