BDE: Shaina Hetzrony, 7 Weeks, OBM
With a heavy heart and intense sorrow we are informing you of the untimely passing of baby Shaina Hetzrony OBM, a beautiful baby who graced her family with joy and love for seven weeks.
She is survived by her parents Yonaton and Kesem Mia Hetzrony, and her siblings.
The Levaya will take place tomorrow Monday, passing by 770 at approximately 1:00 pm and the kvurah will be at the Bais Hachaim near the Ohel.
The Family will be sitting shiva in their home. Located in Philadelphia :
1369 Kimberly Road
Philadelphia, PA 19151
Minyan schedule:
Shacharis 7:45am
Mincha Mariv: 4:45pm
For those who want to send condolences, please message the Hetzrony family at: (713)505-2179
The family is collecting funds to help with cost involved. If anyone wants to contribute please send via cashapp or PayPal. Write for baby Shaina or Kesem
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
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So sorry for your loss. Heartbreaking. May Hashem comfort you. We need Hashem’s comfort. Please send Moshiach now!!