BDE: Faigie Hershcovich, 74, OBM

With great sadness we report the passing of Faigie Hershcovich OBM, a loving mother, wife, sister, niece, grandmother, and great grandmother who had the Zechus to assist in bringing life to hundreds of babies in Montreal’s Jewish community. She was also a respected Bodekes and helped numerous people prepare for the Olam HaEmes.

She was 74 years old.

She is survived by her husband Mechel, children Chani Myhill (West Hartford, CN), Lena Silverstein (Coral Springs, FL), Ben Zion Hershcovich (Cabo, Mexico), Zvi Peretz Hershcovich (NDG, QC), Esther Hershcovich (Tel Aviv, Israel), Bashie Naparstek (Montréal, QC), and Malky Shuchat (Haifa, Israel).

She is also survived by her siblings Arnold (Toronto, ON) and Seymour (Ottawa, ON).

The funeral will be in front of Beth Rivka Montreal, 5001 Vezina at 4:00pm.

Shiva will be at 6730 Coolbrook. Shacharis at 7:00am and Mincha-Maariv at 7:15pm.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes