BDE: Dr. Menachem Ackerman, OBM

With great sadness we report the passing of Dr. Menachem “Emanuel” Akerman OBM, an accomplished chemical engineer and holocaust survivor. He passed away in Israel on Wednesday, the 20th of Tammuz, 5781.

Emanuel Akerman, was a holocaust survivor from Izbitz, Poland who lived in the USA before emigrating to Israel. There, he became a well know chemical engineer and inventor, holding several patents in the USA and in Israel for yeast fermentation, baking processes, and food preservation.

In 1990 he had received a bracha from the Rebbe who spoke to my father in Hebrew and then in French. Subsequent to the French bracha, my father had a food project developed with the Rabanuut in France.

He was predeceased by his wife Chaya less than a year ago.

He is survived by his children; Dr. Moshe Akerman, Yakov, Neil, Yossi and Chavi.

The Levaya will take place in Israel on Thursday at 18:30 at the Mazkeret Batya Cemetery.

The family will be sitting Shiva in Mazkeret Batya for the first days, and will be getting up Wednesday morning July 7th.

Zoom funeral information:

Meeting ID: 947 4928 7304
Passcode: BDE

Boruch Dayan Hoemes