BDE: R’ Baruch Kievman, OBM
With great sadness, we report the passing of Rabbi Baruch Kievman OBM, a resident of Crown Heights and former owner of a famous shoe store on Kington Ave. He passed away on Monday, the 26th of Shvat, 5781.
He is survived by his wife Chana, and children Avremi Kievman (Liverpool, UK), David Kievman (Crown Heights), Shea Kievman (Crown Heights), Navah Raskin (Florida) as well as grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
The Levaya will take place today, Monday, leaving the Chapel at approximately 1:30pm, and passing by 770 at approximately 2:30pm, before continuing to the cemetery.
Shiva information to be announced.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes