BDE: Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Ginsberg, 61, OBM
With great sadness we report the untimely passing of Rabbi Chaim Levi Yizchok Ginsberg OBM, a beloved Mashpia in Israeli Yeshivos who was devoted to the Rebbe’s mivtzoim. He passed away on Friday, the 16th of Tammuz, 5779.
He was 61.
Rabbi Ginsberg was born to Rabbi Yehuda Leib and Zehava Ginsberg, and was named after the Rebbe’s father.
As a boy, he learned in the Karlin Yeshiva, and then enrolled on Tomchei Temimim in Lod, and later Kfar Chabad.
During his time in Kfar Chabad, he was favored by the Mashpia Rabbi Mendel Futerfas and was one of his closest students.
In 5737, rabbi Ginsberg was one of a group that opened the Tomchei Temimim yeshiva in Migdal Ha’emek.
As a bochur, he learned in 770, and was zoche to be choizer of the Rebbe’s sichos.
After he married his wife Miriam, the daughter of Rabbi Yaakov Peles as directed by the Rebbe, he became a mashpia in Tomchei Temimim in Kfar Chabad, where he served for 20 years, until becoming a mashpia in Rishon Letziyon.
Rabbi Ginsberg devoted all his life to Mivtzoim, and went on Mivtzoim every Friday. He directed the organizations for the Rebbe’s projects of Mivtzah Hakhel, and other Chabad organizations.
Two weeks ago he suffered a sudden illness and inspired many around the world who recited Tehillim in his merit.
This past Friday, his condition took a turn for the worse, and he passed away just before Shabbos.
The levaya took place Motzei Shabbos in Kfar Chabad.
Baruch Dayan Hoemes
Boruch dayan ha’emes.