Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Mrs. Schulamith Bechhofer, 87, OBM
Mrs. Schulamith (Bechhofer) Schochet, the oldest of Schochet siblings, passed away peacefully Sunday morning, surrounded by her children and siblings. A couple days before her passing she shared parting words with her family, filled with serenity and love, and placed her hands on their heads to bless them.
Born in 1931, to her illustrious parents Rabbi Dov Yehuda and Sara Sosha, the eldest of the 10 Schochet siblings, she was a pillar of strength and support as they lost their grandparents in Telz and Kelm to the horrors of the Holocaust. While her father served the community as the Rav in Basil and later in Holland, Schulamith was her mother’s right hand. When the Schochet family immigrated to Canada in the early 1950s, the family picture was on the front page of newspapers, so rare and miraculous was it to see a family with ten children surviving the war and immigrating from Europe.
Schulamith’s deep passion and love of Torah empowered her to raise her four children to continue the legacy of spreading the light of Yiddishkeit and living a life in service of Hashem.
Schulamith was a renowned mechaneches, second grade for many years at Torah Academy For Girls, balancing her brilliance in learning with her unique ability to connect to her students with warmth and humor. Her nurturing spirit was visible in her meticulous home, with greenery and plants blossoming all around, tended to with her loving care.
A woman so filled with G-dly energy, she used the last decades of her meaningful life as a dedicated shadchan. Amazingly, Schulamith kept up with the advances in technology well into her 80s and had organized lists on her laptop categorized by age group, background, interest and other relevant details. She was tireless and spent countless hours meeting with prospective shidduch candidates in her home and served as their mentor, dating coach and guide. Any earnings from successful shidduchim was allocated to tzedaka in support of Yeshivos and Torah learning so dear to her heart.
When it came to material possessions, Schulamith lived with simplicity, her focus was on a life rich with spirituality and the funds she saved enabled her to donate a Sefer Torah in memory of her parents to Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon Chabad in Los Angeles
May her Neshama have a lichtike Gan Eden, and her memory and legacy a blessing for all who knew her. May we merit the Geula speedily in our days.
She was predeceased by her brother Rabbi Dr J. Immanuel Schochet. She is survived by her children Rabbi Yosef Gavriel, Rabbi Yochanan Meir, Mrs. Shoshana Rachel Ungar, and Mrs Ariella Brown and sibblings Mrs. Ruth Averbuch of Crown Heights, Mrs. Batya Wagner of Toronto, Mrs. Amina Newman of Long Beach CA, Mr. Joseph Daniel Schochet of Toronto, Rabbi Dovid Schochet and Rabbi Elisha Shochet of Toronto, Rabbi Ovadia Schochet in Miami and Rabbi Ezra Schochet in LA.
Her sisters are sitting shiva at her home in Far Rockaway at 146 Beach 9th st. Shachris is at 7:30 a.m. and mincha/ma’ariv at 6:05pm. THE FAMILY ASKS THAT PEOPLE NOT COME AFTER 10 PM. pm.
The Rosh Yeshiva – Rabbi Schochet is sitting shiva until Sunday on the passing of his sister at 821 N Formosa Ave. #204
Minyanim Times:
Shachris: Tuesday-Friday – 9:30, Sunday – 8:30 am
Mincha: Tuesday-Thursday – 3:45, Friday 1:10 pm
Shiva Times:
2:30-3:45 & 6:30-9:30 pm
Please do not come during other times
Elisha Shochet Shiva
5937 Bathurst St. Apt. 3
Shachris 8:45
Mincha 6:20
Mariv 7:15
2:00-6:00 no visitors
Rabbi Dovid Schochet
42 Milner gate thornhill.
Minyan for shachris 7am. Shiva visits till 1130am and after 4pm. Minyan for Mincha followed by maariv
Please correct: her name was Mrs Shulamith (Schochet) Bechhofer a”h.
Royal Family
This is a family of malchus – royalty. Ten siblings, dozens of grandchildren and great grandchildren…rabbonim, dayanim, roshei yeshivos, mechabrei seforim, community leaders…all in one illustrious family!
Shifts Waxman
Aristocratic family that connect with the “amcha” common folks. Head and shoulders above others. A privilege to know them. An honor to have them in my life. Each one if them brightens the world in their own way.