Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Mrs. Chaya Landa, 94, OBM
With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Chaya Landa OBM, a resident of Boro Park and more recently of Crown Heights who survived the holocaust. She was 94 years old.
Born in Hungary to R’ Yitzchok and Yutta Rivka Klein, her father traveled as a Shada”r to the United States where he fundraised for Moisdos before the war broke out. Out of concern for his family’s spiritual well-being he did not bring them along. When Hungary was invaded his entire family was taken to concentration camps and most did not survive.
Initially, Chaya was placed in the Auschwitz concentration camp but was transferred just a few weeks later to the Bergen-Belsen camp where she remained for the rest of the war. Unbeknownst to Chaya, her sister Golda was being held in a separate section of the camp, and after discovering this, Golda managed to slip across the fences and was reunited with her sister, but was severely beaten by the Nazis YM”S. Together they were able to help and save a number of other Jews that were held in the concentration camp.
Both sister were liberated in 1945 and taken to Displaced Persons camps before immigrating to the United States and being reunited with their father. Later they discovered that their brother, Reb Yiddel Klein survived the holocaust as well – he passed away in 2016.
The surviving members of the Klein family settled in the Brownsville neighborhood of Brooklyn and later moved to Boro Park.
In 1947 Chaya met her husband Avraham Tzvi Landa and they married. They both merited having a number of private audiences with the previous Rebbe.
She is survived by her husband Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Landa, and their children Yehuda Landa (New Jersey), Yisrael Dovid Landa (Crown Heights), Yosef Landa (S. Louise, MO), and Rivky Kirsh (Crown Heights).
She is also survived by her sister Mrs. Golda Hager (Boro Park, Brooklyn).
The Levaya will take place today, 1:30pm at Shomrei Hadas and passing by 770 at around 2:30pm.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes