Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Mrs. Gittel Gottlieb, 78, OBM
With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Gittel Shprintza Gottlieb OBM, the wife of Rabbi Naftoli Tzvi Gottlieb OBM of Beitar Illit, Israel, who passed away just a month and a half after her husband. She was 78 years old.
Mrs. Gottlieb passed away only a month and a half after her husband, Rabbi Naftoli Tzvi Gottlieb, a member and secretary of Colel Chabad in Israel and the Gabbai in the Chabad Shul in Meah Shearim.
She is survived by her children, Rabbi Chaim Gottlieb (Jerusalem, Israel), Rabbi Sholom Gottlieb (Nikolayev, Ukraine), Rabbi Moshe Gottlieb (Crown Heights), Rabbi Shimon Gottlieb (Crown Heights), Meir Gottlieb (Flatbush, NY), Velvel Gottlieb (Jerusalem, Israel), Mrs. Chanie Dunin (Migdal Ha’emek, Israel), Mrs. Leah Rabinowitz (Beitar Illit, Israel), Mrs. Esther Sheiner (Beitar Illit, Israel), and Mrs. Liba Shteisel (Ashdod, Israel), as well as many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
The Levaya took place Sunday in Jerusalem, Israel.
Both Shimon and Meir Gottlieb of Crown Heights will be sitting Shiva at 462 Malbone St.
Baruch Dayan Hoemes