Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Reb Michoel Atlan, 72, OBM
With sadness we inform you of the passing of Reb Michoel Atlan, OBM, a longtime resident of Crown Heights known for his generous heart and acts of Chessed. He was 72 years old.
The Levaya will take place today, Monday, passing by 770 at 2:00pm.
Moshe Shulman
Baruch Dayan Emet, He was such a nice warm man! May he have peace and be in the highest level of Gan Eden! please G-d!
So sudden. He was so full of life last I spoke with him recently.
He was a nice, friendly guy. Young at heart and always smiling.
Un bon Juif et fier de l’etre.
Tehy nafsho tserura betsur Hachaym
Always a pleasure to be around
Baruch Dayan Ha Emes
You will be missed your smile and a kind word.
henei lo yanum ve' lo yeshan shomer israel
baruch dayan emet
Baruch Dayan a Emet
Michael was my friend. We met in the lubavith center in Nice FRANCE durind the end of the seventies.
I am so sad so sad…
Adieu mon ami, nous nous reverrons trés biento
S D V avec Machiah
Morristown Yeshiva תפארת בחורים
I remember when he first came to learn in Yeshiva we were all very impressed with him ,he was a professional dancer and a sweetheart of an individual יחי׳ זכרו ברוך