Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Reb Mordechai Boymelgreen, 91, OBM
With sadness we inform you of the passing of Reb Moshe Mordechai ben Levi Yitzchok Boymelgreen OBM a survivor of the holocaust and patriarch to a family of baalei chesed. He was 91 years old.
Born in Poland, Reb Mordechai learned in Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin and later on in Chabad Yeshivos. During the holocaust he was sent to a number of concentration camps and was the only survivor of his family.
After marriage, he and wife settled in Petach Tikvah and were among the founders of local Chabad Shul and community. He was known as a Talmid Chochom and a big ball chesed and tzedakkah.
He is survived by his wife Chana and their children Shaya Boymelgreen (Crown Heights), Rachel Chitrik (Crown Heights) and Levi Boymelgreen (Brooklyn, NY).
The Levaya will take place today, Tuesday, by Shomrei Hadas at 2:30pm and passing by 770 at around 3:30pm then on to JFK. The Kevurah will be in Jerusalem, Israel.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
He once came to my condo at 510 Crown and tells that he dropped pliers and wanted to see if it landed on my porch. I was thinking such an old man and doing the handyman housework. And every day, going to work I was passing by historical JP Morgan building and was thinking that it is full of construction workers, all of which were working for his son.
Bde may his neshama have an aliyah he raised wonderful children may his family.be comforted and only know of simchas