Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Chaim Meir Cohen, 61, OBM

With sadness we inform you of the untimely passing of Hatomim Chaim Meir Cohen OBM, a longtime resident of Crown Heights. He was 61 years old.

A well-known sight in 770, Chaim Meir Cohen came to the United States as a Bochur and later remained.

In recent years he was hospitalized due to an illness and on Shabbos he sadly passed away.

His Levaya took place on Sunday.

He is survived by his siblings Rabbi Yechezkel Cohen (Jerusalem, Israel), Rabbi Menachem Mendel Cohen (Jerusalem, Israel), Mrs. Chaya Sara Tzatzik (Beitar-Ilit, Israel) and Mrs. Rochel Levin (Beitar-Ilit, Israel).

Boruch Dayan Hoemes

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  • The pictures speak volumes

    I’ve never had the opportunity to meet Chaim Meir but I am moved by the pictures. His stance, posture, and face speak of his refinement and humility. I am very moved by his Hiskashrus and eidelkeit.