Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Rabbi Yekutiel Rapp, 66, OBM
With great sadness, shock and deep pain we inform you of the tragic and sudden passing of Rabbi Yekutiel Rapp OBM, a Mashpia in Tomchei Temimim 770. He was killed in a horrific accident in Crown Heights. He was 66 years old.
The tragic incident occurred near the crosswalk on Empire Boulevard and Balfour Place where Rabbi Rapp was standing and waiting for a ride to 770. The driver of a livery cab reversed out of a parking spot and struck him multiple times before stopping.
Emergency first responders frantically tried to save his life, but unfortunately they were unsuccessful and he passed away at Kings County Hospital.
Rabbi Rapp was a well known figure in 770, serving as a Mashgiach and Mashpia in Tomchei Temimim. He had a special love for Mivtzoim and would often repeat the Rebbe’s desires in keeping Israel safe by never negotiating land swaps for peace.
He is survived by his wife Fayge and their children Chaya Mushka Moskowitz, Chanie, Yossi, and Shneur Zalman all of Crown Heights.. He is also survived by his elderly mother who resides in Israel.
The Levaya will take place Tuesday, 3:00pm at Shomrei Hadas and passing by 770 at around 3:45pm.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
please hashem it’s enough! take us out of Gulas already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Ma Rabbi
What a loss. A true chosid in every way.
was there a thorough investigation done by the NYPD to determinate that no malice intent, or negligence was involved?
the community should make sure this case gets the proper attention needed, as a man was KILLED!
Nobody cares only black lives matter it used to be the other way around the guy will walk and won’t even be sued it’s a real shame what ch has become years ago we took care of our own problems
May Hashem Protect all of Klal Yisroel wherever they may be. May you all have a healthy (safe), wealthy and happy summer.
guys come on. It was an accident, a terrible and tragic accident. Dont bicker over the details. Lets expend our energy helping his family instead of arguing online.
I just set up a fund for his family on gofundme. Here is the link: http://www.gofundme.com/y6k5wc
Minna Hershcopf
This fund is backed by the Frankel Shul who will ensure that all money raised will go directly to the Rapp Family.
Shimon Shak
OMG I can’t even fathom…what a tragedy :(
If I remember correctly he was an avel for his mother 2 yrs.ago and her does have a father for long years.
הקיצו ורננו שוכני עפר והוא בתוכם
to more info (#3)
there’s no community here….
WHO do u call “community”??????
Just a bunch of ppl living in same space….
Citzen Berel
We are a community. But you need to sense it by finding your place in it. You find your place in the community via your shul and your shiur.
A sense of community as numerous and as busy and as diverse as ours is a platonic ideal.
But when that family lost their father and CH funded a million dollar safety net, that was an act of community. We are limited in resources, both material and spiritual, and we don’t enjoy crowded picnics but a community we most certainly are, B”H.
here is a copy of a note I just sent into the ohel.
I am very upset. For the past few months I have been randomly blessing Jews individually and collectively , and with special emphasis in Crown Heights where I live.
I have been davening that Hashem should protect Jews from harm and that Jews should be blessed with good news and the inspiration to do a mitzvah.
Today a terrible accident happened in Crown Heights and Rabbi Rapp was killed. This was just the type of tragedy I wanted my davening to prevent.
Please send me a message and inform me in a clear way that I understand and tell me what I have to do better in order for G-D to accept my prayers and protect Jews from harm and bless Jews with good news.
Thank you.
Continue what you are doing and more (az gut it gut, iz besser nisht besser – if good is good, is better not better?) , with greater simcha, you don’t know how many lives you already saved with your prayers and good deeds.
Thank you for thinking and doing on behalf of all of klal yisroel.
Thank you Chaim for your encouraging words.
Here is what I plan on doing better. I will smile when I bless Jews.and in addition to randomly blessing Jews I will make a set time every day before I leave my house to say a chapter of tehillim and bless the Jews.
May I also suggest that anyone reading this does the same. Set aside one minute every morning before you leave your house and say a chapter of tehillim and ask G~d that in addition to all the good he already does, that he increase his blessings to the Jews to help prevent harm and negativity and bless the Jews with goodness and kindness and the inspiration to do mitzvos.
it was not a regular accident, he ran over him THREE TIMES, yes it’s possible it was by mistake, but i think every responsible community member, should demand that a thorough investigation is made, to make sure there was no malice or negligent involved,and the findings should be presented to the community leaders.
community leaders? whats that?
Please everyone donate to the family fund
Scott Shlome Seldowitz
Is there a way to donate online?
Donate today
Boruch Dayan Hoemes.
What a terrible tragedy. He was such a loving and caring person. I hope his family will have the strength to find the comfort and consolation they desperately need.
והחי יתן אל לבו
The Niftar was concerned about every Jew, regardless of their background or affiliation. We should all learn from him to add in our Ahavas Yisroel, this will be a Zechus for his Neshomo
S.B. Schapiro Family
our sympathy and condolences to the Rapp family – an amazing, caring and giving family.
May they emulate their exemplary father, follow in his ways and continue to inspire all those they come in contact with – as their dear husband/father has consistently done.
An unspeakable and irreplaceable loss which only Hashem can rectify with the coming of Moshiach, speedily and now!
this was no accident this driver MUST be arrested.
yes, donate
Please tell us how and where.
in crown heights the nypd classifies assault attempted rape & kidnapping on a jew harrassment vehicular manslaughter etc. don’t exist when a jew is the victim the community leaders are silent & worthless elections are 2 yrs overdue etc. that is your answer
Donate at this link
Please donate to the family fund at this link:
Ad Musei
You are right that it is a bunch of people living in the same SHCHUNA, but there is a reason that you were born into this SHCHUNA, so at the same time do your part to be part of it so the community should be be united as the Rebbe N”E always wanted and demanded from the people living in the SHCHUNA / Community. As the Rebbe N”E said many time time that we have the Street name as Union etc vs other areae that Streets are named Lee, division etc VEKHMK”L
Please let’s all bring Moshiach NOW!
You’re point is well taken about accomplishing in this Shechuna.
But where did the Rebbe point out our street names versus Williamsburg?
The levaye of today is 3 o’clock shomrei hadas 345 at 770.
chana schoenberg
I am so sadden to hear about this…we were neighbors for several years as we moved from Israel 2005-2010 and lived across the street from us. The Rapps were consistently caring about our welfare and our re-adjustment back in the states. Empire and Balfour, dangerous area, so many potential accidents waiting to happen..and some do..and here he was just standing, minding his own business,,BDE Life is so fragile………..
chana schoenberg
where is the nifter being buried?…NY or Israel, Har Menucha, anyone know? when ?
Even if it was a mistake. What kind of driver is he that doesn’t look behind him to see if anyone is there, before he moves from his spot?? If he would look then maybe this tragedy wouldn’tve occured. Say tehillim for his wife who is in the hospital monitored for a heart attack.
bentzion azimov
this is very sad news may hashem bless you and your family that you should never have such bad news again in your lifemay michiach come write now and youand your family should see yoand your wife and be back in the wourld may hashem make a mirikle that michiach should come write now but the only you have to do is davin to hashem so hashem will hair your daving then michiach will come write now and you will able to see your bubby and zaidy and your father once again in real life just davin davin and davin and hashem will see your prayers and hashem will make a miricle and you should have a long and long life and your life should be health and beace and kindnees family i am so sorry i am sure you are also sad but some times hashem make stuff happen that are not so good but that what he does this is from the azimov family
…To more of C.H. than we can imagine. He did so much b’seser. As for run over 3 times..of course it’s murder