Boruch Dayan Ha’emes: R’ Aharon Elozor Mogilevsky

With great sadness we inform you of the passing of Reb Aharon Elozor Mogilevsky, OBM, at the age of 93.

Reb Aharon was a longtime resident of Crown Heights and member of Congregation Re’im Ahuvim, which is located near his Carroll St. home.

As a child in the Soviet Union he was a student in the underground Lubavitcher Cheder in Berdichev. He was caught by the KGB and sent to prison for the ‘crime’ of studying Torah, along with several classmates, including: R’ Chatzkel Brod, OBM, and YBLT R’ Refoel Wilschanski and R’ Velvel Averbach.

After emigrating from the Soviet Union he settled in Eretz Yisroel, where he was a founding member of Kfar Chabad.

Sadly, Ren Aharon passes without any living family members, giving him the status of ‘Meis Mitzvah.’

The Lavaya will depart from Shomrei Hadas chapels at 10:00am, and will pass by 770 at 10:45am.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes

Video by Rabbi Yosef Katzman


  • Yosef Katzman

    Reb Lozor Mogilevsky was a lonely man without any family. Eight months ago I visited him in Eshel Avrohom senior center in Williamsburg, and I recorded with my phone a few minutes of him talking about his youth during the 20’s & 30’s in Stalinist Russia.

    After being busted in an underground Yeshiva in Berditchev, Lozor and his classmates were taken away to a government run orphanage, so that his parents won’t be able to poison him with the opium called Judaism.

    Miraculously they managed to escape, and ultimately they made their way to freedom where Lozor helped found the village of Kfar Chabad Israel, and later he moved to Crown Heights to be near the Rebbe.

    Simply put, besides for this video there is a good chance that this man will be forgotten forever, so I figured that I share this video with you all to help remember this special man.

  • Adi Mogilevsky

    I think he is our relative since my grand grand father also was from Berdichev and learned at Habad Yeshiva.
    It was a tory at home that one of the relatives was a well known Rabbi at Chabad, but nobody really tell the story – my grandfather was a soviet army officer, which was not a good fit to have relatives at these times who immigrated to Israel.
    It will be interested to know more in order to close this historical circle.
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