Please say Tehilim for…

Please take a moment and say a Kapitel Tehillim for a Refuah Shlaima.

Nitzan ben Leah

One Comment

  • Sydney

    Please take some time to say Tehillim for the speedy and full recovery of NITZAN BEN LEAH, an Israeli Bochur who is in Yeshiva this year. He underwent serious operations on his skull after he was taken to the hospital this morning. He was discovered to have suffered brain trauma. The cause of his injuries is still unknown and is currently under police investigation.

    Nitzan is a Bochur who is a serious Bochur is absolutely given over to the Shlichus of the Rebbe. He is constantly helping in the Israeli Chabad house and learning with different Mekuravim. He needs our help now to commit to saying Tehillim and increase in Limud Hatorah and Tzedoka.